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Showing posts from May, 2016

FAO CAA Yr 3: Images Of Your Work For Royal Festival Hall Graduation Showreel!

I've been contacted by the nice people in Marketing who need a selection of eye-candy from your projects to populate the showreel that will play in the Graduation Showreel at the Royal Festival Hall.  Your images need to be a) landscape orientation, b) beautiful! and c) at least 200 dpi in terms of resolution . You need to send them direct to Chloe Thomas before the end of this week. Marketing will curate the showreel, so there is no guarantee that the images you provide will make the final cut, but if you don't organise any images there's no way your work can be considered for the graduation reel.  Email your images to ensuring that you title your images with both both your full name and official course title.  Can you please ensure your classmates have seen this - many thanks!

CAA One-A-Day: Les Grands Mythes

Excerpts from an incoming French TV series The Great Myths ... This is sure to inspire!

Post With The Most 30/05/2016

It's Friday, May 27th and I'm writing this preamble to the all-new edition of the Computer Animation Arts PWTM while sitting quietly in the CAA baseroom.  The tables that normally reside in the centre of the room are gone, replaced by rows of expectant chairs, and on the big screen before them, our third year  animations playing on a loop.  Last night at the UCA internal degree show I had the very real pleasure of watching audiences watching our students' final animations.  No disloyalty is intended towards our hard-working third years when this tutor admits to some 'vision fatigue' around their respective projects; we've all been thinking about and looking at this work for months and it becomes increasingly difficult to experience the animations as they're intended - as funny, or as poignant, or as informative or provocative.  Last night, as I watched audiences watching our students' films, I rediscovered their accomplishments.  I saw people dabbi...

Re-Post: FAO Year 1 & 2: New Designers 2016 / Private View Tickets / Wednesday July 6th / 6.30pm - 9.00pm

I have a limited number of free tickets * for the private view at New Designers 2016 on Wednesday July 6th, starting at 6.30pm at the Business Design Centre, Upper Street, Islington, London. I always encourage years 1 and 2 to visit the event, so if you'd like a free ticket for the private view, please email me at with your home address, and I'll get one posted out to you. *Thanks to those students who have already contacted me.  I posted your tickets out on Friday.

FAO CAA Yr 3: New Designers 2016 Screening Award - You Have 11 Days!

For those students submitting films for the New Designers 2016 Screening Awards, you have 11 days remaining... (until Thursday 9th June, which I'm suggesting you think of as your deadline to mitigate against any upload/file transfer crises on Friday 10th!). Be sure to read the submission criteria before you submit!  Onwards!

FAO CAA Yr 3: Your 7 ND2016 Posters To Me By Friday 10th June

This is a message for all those students exhibiting at New Designers 2016.  I need to get everything to the printer by June 15th, which means you need to get your 7 poster images to me by June 10th. Some of you have already previewed your choices and got feedback - but many more of you haven't. Can you please make your 7 choices today, preview them on your blog for my attention, and we'll take things from there.  See Josh's post for an idea of what I'm expecting.  Remember, these images you provide need to be printed at A1 size, so you need to ensure the image resolution is as high as is humanly possible.  Spread the word! 

CAA Yr 3: Your Degree Award Announced Week Commencing Monday 6th June

Just confirming that your overall degree award will be announced in the week commencing Monday 6th June.  I don't know the exact date, but your wait is nearly over...

The Supplement: Edouard Martinet / Insectophile

Lovely found-object creature design!

FAO CAA Yr 3: Create A Preview Of Your 7 Images For ND16

At today's presentation I asked all students exhibiting at New Designers 2016 to select 7 images for the stand's flippable displays.  I suggested that you think about 7 ways to demonstrate your diversity of skills: the quick, vital energies of an early thumbnail sketch, the cleaner lines of a model sheet, a rich slice of lavish concept art etc.  Before committing to your 'lucky 7', I'd like you to prepare a preview of your respective choices so we can engage in some feedback etc. and ensure your choices are all working as hard for you as possible.  When you think you have your seven images, create a blogpost preview with an '@Phil' in the title.   Remember to make best use of the portrait aspect ratio ; this might mean reconfiguring some of your existing art work to make it suitable.  I look forward to seeing your choices asap.  Onwards!

FAO Year 1 & 2: New Designers 2016 / Private View Tickets / Wednesday July 6th / 6.30pm - 9.00pm

I have a limited number of free tickets for the private view at New Designers 2016 on Wednesday July 6th, starting at 6.30pm at the Business Design Centre, Upper Street, Islington, London. I always encourage years 1 and 2 to visit the event, so if you'd like a free ticket for the private view, please email me at with your home address, and I'll get one posted out to you.

FAO CAA Yr 3 : New Designers 2016 Presentation & Screening Awards Countdown!

See below - for your reference, today's presentation! *insert rocket fuel!* Screening Award Submission Deadline / Friday 10th June I suggest you seek to have your films submitted by Thursday 9th June  - to mitigate against any 11th hour upload issues.  If we take the end of Thursday as your submission deadline, you have 18 working days to prepare and perfect your Screening Award submissions!  Your countdown has started!


Creepy... OTTO from Salvatore Murgia on Vimeo .

CAA One-A-Day: The D In David

Cheeky! The D in David from Michelle Yi on Vimeo .

CAA One-A-Day: Death In Space

Funny, in poor taste, and a nice example of the animated-short-as-list genre. Death in Space from Thomas Lucas on Vimeo .

FAO CAA Yr 3: Reminder: New Designers 2016 Briefing @ 10am / Monday 23rd May / Baseroom

On your mark, get set... A reminder to all those year 3 students who will be exhibiting at New Designers 2016 ... I'm expecting to see all of you - rested, fresh-faced and determined - in the baseroom on Monday 23rd May at 10am for the ND briefing .  Get ready, ladies and gentlemen: as of Monday morning, your downtime is over... Spread the word!

FAO CAA Yr 1 : CG Toolkit Proformas @ Your Ucreative Accounts Now

Dear all - your Toolkit proformas are available at your Ucreative accounts now.  If anyone hasn't received their programs, email me and I'll investigate.  Many thanks.

Reminder: FAO Everyone: Friday 13th May / End Of Term Drinks @ The Golden Lion

Just a reminder that we're all meeting at The Golden Lion , Rochester High Street on Friday, May 13th to toast the end of term and the onset of Summer!  The staff will be heading down for about 6.45pm, and we hope to see lots of you there.  (If you're there before us, try and nab as many tables as possible!).  Spread the word! 

FAO CAA Yr 1: Your Fantastic Voyage Proformas @ Your Ucreative Accounts

Your Fantastic Voyage proformas are now available at your Ucreative email account.  Read your feedback carefully - reflect on it - and then read it again!  If you haven't received your proforma email me at and I'll investigate.  

The Supplement: "What I Did After Graduation (and How I Picked Myself)"

A great article from Bloop Animation about post-graduation struggles. Definitely worth giving it few minutes. For the full article click the link below:  What I Did After Graduation (and How I Picked Myself)

FAO CAA Yr 3: You Are Here / Tuesday 10th May / Final Submission

It's finally here - deadline day for your Major Project.  Remember you need to create a) your submission blogpost and b) ensure you copy your files onto the PC in the CAA Baseroom and sign your name on the register provided.   You need to do all these things before 7pm. Nobody should be running in with just five minutes left on the clock.  If you're travelling in from home, set out early.  Leave nothing to chance.  This deadline is as strict as it is official.  It's your last hand-in of your academic career, so let's make it nice and dignified, shall we? Do all the basic things: check the version of the film you're uploading/submitting is the definitive final version of your respective films, and not some  earlier incarnation (students make this mistake a lot ).   Ensure you've proof-read your Art Ofs - yeah, yeah, yeah - I say it a lot, and now I'm saying it again. No school boy errors please (like spelling animation incorrectly ...

FAO CAA Yr 3 : Reminder: Wednesday May 11th / CV Workshops & Professionalised Social Media

Wednesday May 11th / CV Workshops & Professionalised Social Media / 10am CAA Baseroom I've arranged two sessions for you on trouble-shooting CVs and professionalising your use of social media, to take place in the CAA Baseroom on Wednesday 11th May.  The sessions begin at 10am.  I know that last year, the final students who attended the event found the sessions to be eye-opening, sobering, and very useful .  Put the date in your diaries and use your social networks to get this information shared.  Many thanks.

FAO CAA Yr 1, 2, 3: Percentages Before Proformas

Dear all - this is just a heads-up about your forthcoming project marks: not only will you be receiving your marks as percentages (not letters), it's quite likely that you'll be able to see your grades via myUCA before you receive your written feedback proformas from Alan and myself.  This is because all student marks have to be with Campus Registry within a very tight timescale (by Friday this week!).  I'm informing you of this because I'd like you all to be nice and understanding and wait for your written feedback before bombarding Alan or I with emails asking for more information on your percentage grade.  Trust us - the written feedback is coming, and written feedback always helps students contextualise assessment, so no irate emails or unhappy glances please.  Once you've received your written feedback and you're still keen to discuss your marks, then yes, no problem, let's have a chat.  In the meantime, thanks in advance for your patience and und...

FAO CAA Year 3: 36 Hours Until Your 7pm Deadline!

At time of going to press, you have 36 hours before your 7pm deadline on Tuesday 10th May! You're all tired, but hey, Don't Stop Believing...

CAA One-A-Day: Life Is Beautiful

And you thought the ending of 2001 was a head-scratcher! Enjoy. Life is Beautiful (3D Animation Short Film) from Ben Brand on Vimeo .

Re-Post: FAO CAA Yr 1 & 2: The YPGTTO Kingdom Of Sound Speed Paint Challenge Still Needs You!

The Horn District / Eva Pinnington A number of you have expressed the intention to participate in the YPGTTO Speed Paint Challenge when things have quietened down a bit post-hand-in.  I'm confirming here that the Kingdom Of Sound project remains live, so I'm actively encouraging you to participate at your convenience.  The next stage of the project - where we seek to derive a storyboard for the 16 minute animation - will begin in late May, by which time we hope we'll have many more completed speed paints from which to divine our definitive art direction. For your convenience then, all fifteen challenges listed here. Those challenges marked with an asterisk have no entries yet, so I'm hoping some of you might start at #15 and work backwards! Thanks in advance - and thanks too to all those who have already taken part.  It's always exciting working with you in this way (and the Orchestra Network for Europe agrees!). #1 The Map #2 The Flute District #...