Dear all - this is just a heads-up about your forthcoming project marks: not only will you be receiving your marks as percentages (not letters), it's quite likely that you'll be able to see your grades via myUCA before you receive your written feedback proformas from Alan and myself. This is because all student marks have to be with Campus Registry within a very tight timescale (by Friday this week!). I'm informing you of this because I'd like you all to be nice and understanding and wait for your written feedback before bombarding Alan or I with emails asking for more information on your percentage grade. Trust us - the written feedback is coming, and written feedback always helps students contextualise assessment, so no irate emails or unhappy glances please. Once you've received your written feedback and you're still keen to discuss your marks, then yes, no problem, let's have a chat. In the meantime, thanks in advance for your patience and understanding. It's a busy time of year and we appreciate it.
BA Hons Computer Animation Arts is a 3 year degree course at the University for the Creative Arts, Rochester, UK.
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