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FAO CAA Year 1: Story / Fantastic Voyage 2019 - Examples Of Previous Student Work

Make no mistake, ladies and gentlemen, this is it - the big one. The Fantastic Voyage project is your opportunity to pull out all the stops and accomplish something extraordinary - your first cg animation. 

This project is a culmination of all you've learned since week one of term one and you need to think creatively, ambitiously and you need to be determined from the very outset to make the best work of which you're capable. 

You are not simply being asked to satisfy a year one project brief. You are being challenged to make others take your creative potential seriously, to put your money where your mouth is - to shine. This is about you and them - the audience. You need to get them on side. You need to make them love your vision. You need to win the prize, seal the deal, steal the show. This isn't about grades or what your tutor might think, or what your classmates might think - this is about the client and what they think!

I will be looking very carefully at the way in which you meet the challenge of Fantastic Voyage, particularly in terms of the ways in which you give and receive feedback and engage with each other proactively. Next year, you'll be working collaboratively on joint projects and I'm looking for evidence of professionalism, maturity and supportive relationships between peers. I will be using this project to identify which students will work together in year 2 on a 'like with like' basis, using your summative grade as my guide.

By way of inspiration, I want you to spend some time really looking at these examples of previous student work produced in response to this brief. The students' names link to their respective blog archives, which I encourage you to browse. Please note the high level of finish and professionalism, ambition and strong cinematic production design common to all these examples. This is your benchmark and ours - a clear indication of what we know is possible from first year students who arrived (just like you) with no prior experience of CGI or film-making.

Use your social networks to ensure everyone has seen this information prior to Thursday's briefing in Lecture Theatre 1 @ 12 noon.  Many thanks.

