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FAO CAA Yr 2: Dissertation Proposal Feedback Proformas @ Your Ucreative Accounts

Your Dissertation Proposal feedback proformas are available now at your Ucreative email accounts. If Mavernie Cunningham has suggested new book lists, sort them now and get the reading under your belt. It's now likely you'll need to tweak/re-visit your chapter/paragraph structures.  This is normal and to be expected - not cause for panic or throwing the baby out with the bathwater.  Many of you have committed to writing your draft dissertation over the Summer recess period; if you want to maximise your time and energy in term 1 of year 3, you'll make good on this commitment and ensure you've got a 8000 word draft for Friday, October 27th - hand-in for draft dissertations.

If your proforma hasn't arrived, let me know and I'll investigate.  Many thanks.
