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CAA @ New Designers #7 : "The Lollipops Are Boxed & Sealed!"

Another day, another day spent painting, wrapping, consuming coffee... and gradually the big pile of stuff in the middle of the CAA baseroom is becoming a series of smaller bubble-wrapped piles. From chaos emerges order - or rather the incipient challenge of fitting everything into the back of the UCA van first thing on Monday morning, which will no doubt prove a test of patience, skill and stamina.  Apparently, it's considered unhealthy to subsist on a diet of Starbucks, cheese on toast and red lollies nicked from our New Designers stash... so I sealed up the lollipops in their cardboard box today in an impressive display of self-restraint!  By the end of tomorrow, everything must be finished and ready for travel - wish us luck!
