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CAA Misc: A List of Useful Portfolio Websites

As a recent alumni of the CAA course, I would like to share my thoughts upon the importance of social media and making yourself visible and present on-line as soon as possible.

It took me awhile to realise how important on-line presence was. If you don't get your work on display you are going to find it difficult to build a fan (and a client) base in the future. It might be overwhelming in the beginning and it might feel like an unnecessary thing that is very time-consuming, but in my opinion, the century we live in requires artists to be visible on-line.

Below, I would like to share a list of websites that could prove useful. I am going to skip websites like Twitter, Blogger, Instagram or Facebook, because I believe these are fairly obvious.

+ used by industry professionals, studios, employees
+ on-line CV
+ allows to post and look for job offers
+ free registry

It's an on-line equivalent of a CV. I only just recently discovered how useful and important it can be, that's why I decided to add it to this list.

When applying for jobs, many studios allow you to sync your LinkedIn profile with their job application form. This means the time you spent on filling in your LinkedIN profile is saved, because it automatically copies over to the form. It can also be very helpful when you have to prepare a specific CV. You can quickly check your past jobs and experience, instead of wasting hours on trying to remember all the details. 

+ on-line portfolio
+ professional
+ free

Behance is a very popular website that allows you to create an on-line portfolio. It is used by a variety of artists from around the world that represent all fields of art.
Behance is very easy to navigate. It allows you to create folders aka. projects, in which you can post images, gifs, embed videos, etc.
You can also personalize the appearance of your profile. Other users can follow your profile, comment and appreciate your projects.

+ on-line portoflio
+ professional
+ free

A website of a very similar fashion to Behance. An on-line portoflio that allows to browse and post projects. 

+ on-line portfolio
+ professional
+ free
A website with a constantly growing popularity. Another form of an on-line portoflio, with a lot of amazing artists around. It can also be used as a very good source of inspiration and research base, as it showcases artworks from game, film and entertainment industry.


This website might not have the best opinion, although I believe that Tumblr is a good device for people who like fanart work and quick doodles, that don't necessary belong to a professional portfolio. Proper taggs and frequent posts can definitely help with building a fanbase. Of course it doesn't mean you can't find valuable and amazing art on Tumblr. This website presents a bit of everything and it's important to be able to select and search what you find valuable. 

+ miscellaneous

I believe that DeviantART has gone past its time of glory, although it is still being used by many industry professionals. Just like in the case of Tumblr, dA is a platform of many topics. It's not easy to draw attention to your work as its being overflown by variety of artwork, however with frequent and quality submissions you can definitely interest people to your profile.

Obviously, there is more websites out there that can be very helpful with getting your art out from a drawer. The ones presented above are fairly known and definitely a good start.

It might take some time to get yourself to post frequently, or to fight the discomfort of showing your work to a place as open as the Internet, but it's important to believe that it can be very beneficial. There are many people out there that can provide very good feedback, help and critique. It is also important in terms of job hunting, to have an on-line portoflio that can be easily forwarded to a prospective client.

I hope that this little list will prove itself useful. 


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