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ACT 2: Project Requiem - Reminder

Hello CGAA... or is it CAA?

Hope you all were inspired by the music and the curves! I know that some of you may still be rendering bits and pieces so in case you've forgotten how or where to upload your files, here is the link to WeTransfer.

This is the box you're looking for (an ad may pop up first, and also a box to accept terms and conditions):

WeTransfer has a 2Gig file size limit, however you can send as many files as you like, so either compress or send the files individually if needed.

To clarify (for each sculpture) we need:

-one folder for the Maya renders (zip it up)
-one folder for the After Effects renders (zip it up)
-a copy of the final turnaround as a h264 codec .mp4
-an obj export of the sculpture
-the Maya file
-the After effects file

So I can clearly work out what everything is, please make sure you clearly label the files, and prefix them with your name. eg -

Remember also that there is a spelling mistake in the fourth After Effects Comp, which you need to correct before rendering. Where it currently reads 'Sanctusi', it should instead be 'Sanctus'.

Any further questions, just send me an email.

Ethan Shilling
