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GEEK 2014


  1. looks like a laugh but do we have time for it =)

  2. *Winner of the Geek 2011 Halo 2 tournament*

    1. so what, you won both years?! Is that boasting or just a typo :)

    2. No it was a typo, I came 4th the next year xP

  3. Their mental acumen would therefore necessitate you to sort of think out-of-the-box when shopping for gifts for them. For example, what you may look at as something pretty sophisticated to be considered as an ordinary toy for a geek, such as for a very difficult mathematical puzzle, is precisely the type of toy that your geek buddy would go nuts over! The more complex, the better! For most ordinary people, it is technically not a toy, but for them, it is!

    Cool Geeky Gadgets


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