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Looking For Weekly 'Guest Authors' for the CGAA blog

This new academic year, I'm hoping to kick-off another feature on the group blog - a 'Guest Author or blogger' - a current student or alumni who, over the course of one week, will publish content to the group blog under the various categories.  The idea is that the published content reflects the individual's own preferences, preoccupations and topics of interest across a range of subjects and media.  It doesn't have to be high-brow or academic (but it could be!), and it doesn't have to associate directly with CG Arts & Animation; it's just needs to be from the cultural world of the 'author-in-residence'. Ideally, I'd like to be able to allocate each week of term 1 to a designated guest author.  As we all know, CGAA has some very busy weeks and some pinch points as deadlines loom, but if authors knew their respective weeks in advance, content could be readied and prepared.  Anyway, this is the idea, and I'm open to suggestions - and participants, of course!  Leave me a comment in the usual way and let's see if we can jump-start another CGAA tradition.  I look forward to hearing from you.  


  1. I'd be happy to do this, provided you don't think I'll scare the first years of course

    1. Fab! And 'scaring the first years' is part of a noble tradition! Let's see what the take-up is like and then we'll start allocating the residences :) Thanks for getting the ball rolling :)

  2. I'll have a go Phil! As long as you don't mind there being more than a few toy related and adorable things? :P

  3. Can I make it like a picture book? Less writing then ;)

    I could come up with something I'm sure....

    1. Hi Nat - pictures are fine, with maybe a few hyperlinks to worlds of writing if people want to go further? If you were an author-in-residence, you'd get to call the shots, wouldn't you? :)

  4. I'd be up for something like that! plus, it'll be great preparation when it comes to deciding what my Mastermind specialist subject is going to be.

  5. this is such a nice idea! I'm sure it will be popular as people with their own areas of interest would create very lush content (:]


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