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For Tom: Les Misérables - The Honest Trailer

Some of you may remember the big debate about the cinematic merits or otherwise of the recent adaptation of the smash hit musical Les Misérables.  I thought this nicely observed 'honest trailer' might constitute a welcome coda!  Enjoy! (I did).


  1. Oh my! That is brilliant!!!! :)

  2. Yeah, it's true. I did enjoy the film (after being tricked into watching it.. "We'll just watch up to X part" - didn't realize until we had watched the whole film! :D)
    As I said, it was enjoyable, but I didn't understand the need to sing in parts that didn't really need it. Telling a girl to fetch some water is hardly going to be the most entertaining piece of music, so areas like that would have been much better being spoken. It would have made the catchy songs more poignant for me.

  3. A very well observed dissection of Les Mis and musicals in general. Loved the cast list at the end too. :)

  4. Brilliant. Must have sounded like some mad woman laughing away with headphones on. Thankfully no one was around to hear


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