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CGAA/ACT Live Commission Catch-Up?

Nat Urwin - Speed Paint 2

A HUGE thank you to all of you who dedicated time and talent to the CGAA/ACT Live Commission Speed Paint Challenge.  As expressed by a number of you on your blogs, it's been both an exhilarating and mediative experience and the sheer visual spectacle of so many expressive paintings blossoming on your blogs has been very satisfying.  The next phase of the project will soon begin, with Tom and Jordan working hard to originate a spectacular animation inspired by your synesthetic visions - be sure to follow their progress here.

A number of students have expressed the wish to catch up with challenges they might have missed.  With this in mind, we're going to extend the deadline for the submission of any further speed paints to Dropbox until Sunday 24th March @ 9pm

For your convenience, I'm going to anthologise the ten Speed Paint Challenges below - click to access.

Just remember to entitle your PSD files in accordance with the number of the challenge to which the painting relates.

Thanks again for your commitment and your creativity.  Exciting times indeed! :)

Jake Bryant - Collection


  1. So are we done and all that's left is for Tom and Jordan to animate?

  2. Hey Shahbs - be sure to follow the project blog, and chip in with feedback and critiques. Just because you've finished the paintings doesn't mean you can't continue to contribute! It's still a joint effort from CGAA after all.

    1. no i meant, is the speed paint challenge still going? or is it finish?

    2. Hi Shahbs - yes, there's a total of 10 musical extracts to which people were asked to respond - and those 10 extracts have all been published on the blog now - but some people have missed one or two, so we were just keen to involve as many entries as possible before the next phase of the project begins.


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