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Photoshop file size

1st year Jake here,

Towards the end of my first final piece, I noticed that it became increasing long to save. I checked the file and the size grew from, when I last saw it, 78 mb to 104 mb. That kind of growth is bizarre, considering I was just going over the top with an air brush. Now that one didn't bother me so much, however my recent piece has grown to such an extent it's ridiculous. The file size grew from 72 mb to 143 mb to 330 mb to a whopping 440 mb! I can't understand why it's growing so rapidly. I've cut around the image to make sure there's nothing off canvas. If anyone can help, I'd greatly appreciate it.


  1. Hi Jake there are several things that may be contributing to this.
    1. Image size: How big is your image, if it is excessive that that can contribute to large file sizes.
    2. Resolution: Check the resolution 72ppi for screen 300ppi/ dpi for print will do you.
    3. Layers: As you stack the layers up then your file sizes will escalate proportionally.

    Open Photoshop, load the file, open image then image size. Take a screen shot of that and your layers panel that should give us a better idea of what is going on.

    Nigh on half a gig for a still image is a bit on the large side.

  2. Thanks for the reply Simon. I just scaled it down to 200 per inch then back to 300 per inch, and it's working perfectly now. File size is 68 mb.


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