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FAO Year 2: Character Design Final Crit.

Final Submission
Thursday 24th November
CG Arts Baseroom @ 10am



Submission Requirements:

Part 1) A .PDF (Onscreen) or Printed Character Design Bible Containing:

A) A synopsis of the show.

B) Three fully resolved characters – Hero, Villain, & Sidekick.

C) Expression Sheets for each character.

D) Character Turnarounds for each character.

E) Completed weekly tasks (Either on your blog or as part of the final bible).

Week 1: Introduction to Character Design

Week 2: Building Blocks of Character Design – Shapes & Proportions

Week 3: Drawing in the Third Dimension

Week 4: Drawing Stuff

Week 5: Personality: The Spark of Life

Week 6: Distinctive Characters

Week 7: Monsters & Creatures

Week 8: Working in the Real World

Week 9: Setting the Scene

2) Blog & Development Work

A fully up-to-date blog containing your research, development, methodology, sketches, and finalised designs.


For the Final Critique Presentation

Each person will be given 10 minutes to present their show and final characters. The running order for each onscreen presentation will follow the outline below.

1) State which two words you were given

2) Present the story synopsis for your show. Remember this should be brief but informative.

3) Present the Hero: Including turnaround drawings, expression sheets, coloured versions, and any additional objects or weaponry.

4) Present the Villain: Including turnaround drawings, expression sheets, coloured versions, and any additional objects or weaponry.

5) Present the Sidekick: Including turnaround drawings, expression sheets, coloured versions, and any additional objects or weaponry.

6) Present a one page character comparison sheet (Hero, Villain, & Sidekick).

7) Make any further comments or show any additional work.

Good Luck!


  1. Hi Alan a quick question

    Does that mean we need to export our blogs as well and if so is there a way of just getting the Character design stuff without the other work we have been doing alongside the project?


  2. Hi Adam

    I suggest...

    1) That you add a post to your blog which links to all character posts. Therefore when we mark your work we can quickly access each section.

    2) Export your blog with all content regardless. Add the blog PDF to your submission disk.

  3. Sorry if this is a silly question, but are we supposed to provide a submission disc as well?
    If so, what should be on it and should it be decorated and have a case too?

    Also, my blog already has a tab that will take you to the character design work if that's any help? :)

  4. Thanks Alan,

    I have a label on my blog linking all character Project work so is this ok?

    And ok I will export it all :)

  5. Molly (and all second years)- Yes put together a submission disk (simply).

    FYI - After year one, its a given that work should always be submitted on a disk for marking puropses.

    Adam - Thats fine


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