An extravagant visual and musical spectacle. Moulin Rouge! is an ode to Broadway and the grand musical era of Hollywood. Featuring unconventional mash-ups of modern pop songs and culture, which embody the key postmodern concept of Death of the Author.
“It's been called 'postmodernist' in the way it compacts numerous contrasting styles and disparate strands, in the manner of a garbage machine crushing everything it receives into a neat package.” (French, 2001)
“Everything about Moulin Rouge!, is in fact avowedly pointless except for spectacle itself. But the spectacle is dazzling... Still Moulin Rouge! Is a quintessential postmodernist film, epitomizing both Guy Debord’s notion of the “society of the spectacle” and Jameson’s view of postmodern culture as flat and superficial.” (Booker, 2007:60)
Booker, M. Keith. (2007) Postmodern Hollywood: what’s new in film and why it makes us feel strange Conneticut: Greenwood Publishing Group Inc.
French, P. (2001). Moulin Rouge! http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2001/sep/09/philipfrench1 (Accessed 18/10/11)
Baz Luhrmann
Screenplay by:
Baz Luhrmann, Craig Pearce
Produced by:
Baz Luhrmann, Fred Baron, Martin Brown
Musical, Romance, Mash-up
Australia, United States, United Kingdom
Ewen McGregor, Nicole Kidman, Jim Broadbent, Richard Roxburgh, John Leguizamo, Jacek Koman, Caroline O’Connor
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