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Soundworks Collection

A great site to share with you: I've included below just one of the featured videos from the site which takes you behind-the-scenes of the sound design for film and animation - The Sound of Transformers 3.

"The goal for the SoundWorks Collection is simple; we are dedicated to profiling the greatest and upcoming sound minds from around the world and highlight their contributions. The SoundWorks Collection was created by Director Michael Coleman in November of 2009 in a partnership with MIX Magazine, several audio focused college schools and programs, and the support of the online sound community worldwide.

The SoundWorks Collection takes you behind the scenes and straight to the dub stage for a look into audio post-production for feature films, video game sound design, and original soundtrack composition. This exclusive and intimate video series focuses on individuals and teams behind-the-scenes bringing to life some of the worlds most exciting projects."


  1. "...probably one of the most outstanding visual effects films I've ever seen"

    Absolutely. And, in my opinion, it works very well as a film as well as a CG and visual effects showcase. Which I can't really say of Transformers ROTF.

    The sound in Transformers movies has always stood out to me, especially in slow transforming sequences, the attention to sound detail is insane.


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