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Transcription & Beyond

Transcription Crit & Submission

Ok Ladies & Gentlemen it's almost that time again. Firstly, to clarify the submission requirements and order of events at the Final Crit are...


1) Final Transcription Work (Film, Character Design etc): On disk & blog
2) A ‘Making of…’ document: As a .PDF Document on disk & blog (scribd)
3) A Technical Paper: As a .PDF Document on disk or via blog (scribd)
4) A Demo Reel Shot: Via your blog (Vimeo or Youtube)
5) A fully maintained and up to date blog: (Completed and up to date by Monday 11th April)
6) All technical tutorials: (Uploaded to your blog by Monday 11th April)

Crit Day (Thursday 7th April in Lecture Theatre 1 at 10am)

1) Explain the Transcription - From what to what? (Keep this to a short statement)
2) Show your work - Show the final piece(s) of work (even if they are not fully completed)
3) Explain your creative pipeline - What steps did you take (Keep this informative but brief)
4) Explain the future of your project if its not completed (What comes next)

Beyond the Crit: Models & Metaphors and Work Placement

"It's official we are switching to live projects for the rest of the semester."

Models & Metaphors: Briefing

The 'Models & Metaphors' project briefing will take place on Tuesday 12th April at 10am in the CG Arts Baseroom.

Work Placement: Briefing

The 'Work Placement' briefing will take place after the Transcription crit in the CG Arts Baseroom.


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