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Alex Galuzin on keeping motivated

Here is an article I linked Andriana regarding motivation levels that I found last week. It's aimed mostly at being a level/environment artist, but most of it still applies. I think that some of what he says is definately useful. Here's a few quotes :

I talk a lot about planning and pre-production. As they are extremely important to our success as designers. I will never stop "preaching" about reference, research and knowing what you want before modeling and designing it. But once you are past the pre-production stage, it is the time to let go and believe the process of production. You have done all your work in pre-pro and it's time to let it go. Allow mistakes and happy accidents to happen. Do not be too rigid. Allow the pre-production do its work.

One hour of highly focused, uninterrupted work is better then five hours of stop and go work.

Don't keep your ideas, your best work tips, the magic trick and the secret hot key in yourself. Share it. Don't have the scarcity mindset by thinking you will be one step ahead of someone else. It is a game you don't want to play because you can't win.
Once I stopped keeping all I thought I knew to myself and began to share it, things began to change.  It took a while but once that inner shift happened, I promise your life will change for the better. If you ever want to know how I did something, I'll gladly share it with everyone. Step-by-step.

Life is too short to do what you hate.

The article is here : Motivation Article and Is worth a read, just take what you think applies to you from it.


  1. Thanks for this, I definitely need it at the moment! :)

  2. wise words, indeed. Thank you, jonny.

  3. And once again Thank you :) It helped me a lot


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