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2D animation size problem

I'm quite concerned with my work at the moment, mainly with the size it is. I created a 16: 9 frame to draw my work inside of, I was doing a animation test and the program (when selected to 16 :9) and the actual image never paired up, it was as if the square I've drawn is windscreen but smaller than 16 : 9.

I'm worried about producing the work on the crit day in this way since I still can't seem to find out whats wrong with it let alone how to change it.

(The lightly drawn black square in the middle shows the 16 : 9 scale I've currently been working to. There is a lot of white space and I just don't know how to close that gap without masking)

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


  1. You'll probably need to lower the camera a little, theres a handle on the right of the camera which you can use to raise/lower the camera.

    16:9 is a ratio, for example 16cm x 9cm, so your box should be fine :)

  2. I found i way of getting past this over yesterday after some f**king around with prem pro, cause i have same problem.
    What i did was, select one frame, create a zoom effect and so alter posttion if need be, and size the box frame you've drawn to the camera size, so fit perfectly.
    Then you can select this altered frame and copy it, edit - copy.
    Then select all the other frame and go to edit - paste attributes. this will change all the frames to the same settings as the copied one.

    WARNING tho! you should do this at start of everything as it will change any zoom/position changes you've already made.
    Also if you zoom or reposition anything once this is done you must remember that if you reset the keys to start again it will put it back to normal as if youve just imported it. so its best to note down the scale/zoom/posiotins etc in effects once altered all frames so you revert easily to 'your frame box size@ and not the default,
    Sorry if sounds complex but works like a treat! :) Hope it helps.

  3. Also make sure when your scanning in or photographing that the ratio is set up right, as it may be squashing your image without you releasing. And try reseting settings on prem pro or restoring defaults.

  4. Also when you scale up the image on your monitor to a ruler it comes out as 16 by 10 cm, so something or some setting is stretching your image down or up when you import of place on time line, but im not overly sure on that bit. sorry.

  5. Thanks for the ideas you two, hopefully that will change things~


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