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Maya Problem: Transparent Mesh after Connecting Blendshapes

I have been doing facial rigging for my character. When creating blend-shapes I face a weird problem that some people experienced before. I have created duplicate head meshes to sculpt the blend-shapes, I connected to the original mesh and changed the input order. I have also added a wrap deformer on the eyebrows which seems to be working, however when I render the model the head mesh appears transparent, I know the texture used ( default lambert) is as original with nothing changed on the transparency node, and I can see the over all mesh on the viewport.

Though when rendering it doesnt show. 

it may be a simple solution, of reconnecting a node etc... but I cant seem to figure out.

EDIT: It worked perfectly jordan, thanks for the help. He has a face again!


  1. Hey Ruben, if it isn't doesnt show up when rendering it's a pretty easy fix. If you select the head object, then go to the attribute editor and under "Render Stats" make sure the boxes are all ticked...should work :)


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