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CGAA One-A-Day: One Minute Puberty

I saw this work by Alexander Gellner - and thought of the CGAA first years' first experience of creating morphing animations in their inaugural workshop with Meg today - such exuberance, and notice too, how props etc. simply 'appear' by the magic of exigency alone!


  1. Thanks Phil, thats brilliant! Also, notice how the timing and spirit of the animation is tied to the music.. very important to think of the sound and music while planning your animations. In this case, wonder if the music came first.. and defined the timing for the animation.

  2. Thanks a lot. I love this video and it is very inspiring. Now I'm trying hard to find the right music. I've just done some keyframes - It's just magick! :DD

  3. Ok i've lost count of how many times I have replayed this now.... that's how much I like it :)


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