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Quote of the Day

"The bees pillage the flowers here and there but they make honey of them which is all their own; it is no longer thyme or marjolaine: so the pieces borrowed from others he will transform and mix up into a work all his own."  (Michel de Montaigne, 1533 - 1592)


  1. This could help people who think Phil's ideas are unusable because they are given by Phil.

  2. A very postmodern thought. Highly relevant to Tarantino and Reservoir Dogs.

  3. The 'Phil's ideas are unusable' is such a nonsense... what's the point then, of working alongside creative individuals with time and experience on their side, if one must ignore - on principle - the fruits of that time and experience? We're all working in creative partnership - and we're all indebted to one another... oh, and I LOVE this quote - hmm - quote of the day? Another blog favourite getting started?

  4. Awesome plan! I vote Quote of the Day for blog favourite :D

  5. I like the idea of an inspirational 'quote of they day' post perhaps?
    I have a Vincent Lombardi 'quote's' screen print above my desk - nothing like a good piece of wisdom to get the old thinker going.


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