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Need some Premiere Pro help.


Does anyone know why Permiere crashes everytime I trie to render? I put normal MP3 files and even tried WAV, yet it still crashes saying that an unexpected error occured.

I am confused.


  1. It crashes because the Scratch disks are set to My Documents and for some reason it can't handle that and just implodes. There is no way to change where the Scratch Disks are set in CS4 on the Uni machines.

    I've asked about this issue before to the IT people and it can't be changed because of how the security works If I remember correctly.

    Yeah, probably not what you wanted to hear...

    However, things should still be able to play without rendering. So that I can't explain that. Maybe Mark Beer can help?

  2. Perhaps the audio wont play because Premier has to conform all audio to match up to the sequence. I dont know if it needs the scratch disks to do this.

    I'm probably way off base with all this stuff and there's a simple solution somewhere!

  3. Hi Paul. Are you using the university PC? If so, Tom is correct as on the PC -ALL- files are counted as part of your network quota which is a pain when you need to do rendering (which can take up a lot of data space).

    Try this - make sure you've got recycled bin empty (as this is counted as part of your quota). Plus make sure the Scratch settings are correct in Premiere Pro, on menu bar go to Project - Project Settings - Scratch Disk and make sure they are pointing to a location (usually Documents).

    If the problem still occurs, try using a Mac. Premiere Pro works exactly the same on both Mac & PC versions. However there is no saving issue on the Mac as everything is saved to the hard drive and not on the network (i.e. the amount of available space to use is far grater on a Uni Mac than a Uni PC).

    Let us know how you got on.

    Mark Beer

  4. So efficient, Mark - the bionic man, indeed! :D

  5. Tip - For those of you who would prefer to keep using PC rather than Mac at university with Premiere Pro, you could try using an external hard drive and then set Premiere Pro to use that as an the Scratch Disk (avoiding the issue of not enough space in your network quota).

    Generally USB 2.0 external hard drives will slow the system down a bit, but if you can use one with Firewire it should be no problem.

  6. Premier Pro on the Uni PC's doesnt let you change the where the Scratch Disks are set.

    It never used to anyway.


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