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Maya problem - Camera on a curve question

Hey CG world,
Quick question that I'm sure someone can help with.
When I attach a camera to a CV curve, it's movement is defined by the keyframes that I either set or what's in the scene.

How do I attach it to the curve so it follows the path, but the speed and movement isn't defined by the keyframes, instead I can keyframe the speed and place on the curve?


  1. Probably the simplest solution is to delete the key frames it creates then re key them manually.
    In the motion path input, there is the U value. this represents the length of the curve. 0 to 1, beginning to end.

    Though you won't be able to scrub through the attribute easily as the range is so small. I would open up the animation graph editor to control the key frames positioning better.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Thanks Ethan, thats what I was looking for. I think I might stick with what I thought off though, which was editing the speed afterwards in After Effects. It seems to be a lot of hassle for the same result from AE.

    Thanks a load anyway Ethan.

  3. Method 1: Go into the Graph Editor and edit the length or add key frames there.

    Method 2: Under the motion path menu choose 'Add Motion Path Key'


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