It's been a while, but it's time once again for a round-up of what's caught your tutor's eye this week in the CGAA bloggosphere. In truth, I don't expect anyone to read the first PWTM of 2011 - at least, not until deadlines are done and dusted - but, for posterity's sake (and for those quiet moments following your RedBull come down), here you go...
In a change to the usual order of things, let's start with Tom Beg and his Garden of Earthly Delights. It won't have escaped your attention that, for the past 14 weeks, Tom has been firmly ensconced in the CG Baseroom from dawn 'til dusk working hard on bringing his CG recreation of Bosch's idiosyncratic painting to bustling, sensual life. He recently posted his final animation - minus soundtrack and After-Effects accoutrements. In truth, he's not entirely happy with it - not yet. I guess that means he'll be back in the baseroom first thing Monday morning... Raj, meanwhile, has completed rigging his characters, Zack's Castus short is but a few shots short, and Toni is doing battle with blend shapes. The course team wish all our third year students well for the coming week and hope that time is on your side and technology plays fair.
On Thursday, 20th January, the 2nd Year Retrofest project reaches its conclusion. It would be no exaggeration to say that Retrofest has been the most challenging experience so far for its participants - both in terms of creativity and 'man management'. Collaboration is vital to long-term creative success, but it also requires huge energy and stamina to make it work - but working it has been - (more or less!) - if recent content on the studio blogs might be used as a gauge. If you haven't done so already, check out the Retrofest studio blogs and follow their progress as they wind things up for Thursday's all-important crit (and good luck all of you).
- B3D Studios - 'Attack Of The Invisible Cannibals From Beyond The Stars'
- Gremlin Box Productions - 'The Biker From The Black Lagoon'
- KLED Animations - 'The Day Of The Chainsaw-Wielding Baby'
- Inspire Studios - 'Revenge Of The Radioactive Bunny From Hell'
- Void Canvas Studio - 'Attack Of The 50ft Alien From Toyland'
- Lucid Studios - 'Night Of The Invisible Blob From Mars'
- Creature Studios - 'Attack Of The Cheerleaders From Beyond The Stars'
With just 5 days and counting before the first years present their Unit 3 digital set + matte painting finale to their first 15 weeks as undergraduates, there's some promising sneak peaks on the blogs: Andriana's matte painting impresses and is proof positive that, with enough time and dedication, tablet and pen will give you what you want. Elsewhere, Paul Lavey gets to grips with modelling masks, Chris gets textural, and Jono just gets it. Dayle takes his essay writing to task (in a post that made this tutor 'laugh out loud') and sees dead people in his hospital corridor. Creepy. Michael gets particular about lighting, while Lyn-Dae gets particular about pretty much everything - from rumpled rugs to a 1920s desk. Indeed, there's so much going on at the moment - so many personal eureka moments, post-Pirate cove euphoria and incipient Maya addiction - that I look forward with genuine anticipation to Friday's crit!
Good luck all!!