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@ Jon or Alan Tree UV grid trouble

Having a little bit of trouble adding a UV grid lambert to my tree for my scene. It seems to not accept it and stays the same when adding the lambert any thoughts please? Thanks


  1. Thanks for the reply Dmitrij for some reason the texture doesn't show up unless you render even with texture turned on. Oh well I'll just soldier through like that

  2. UV Grid lambert? Do you mean one of those multicoloured grids that you apply to test out your UV's?

    Hit 6 on your keyboard to go into texture view.

  3. I did have the texture view on but will not show up unless I render it I've managed to lay my UV's now

  4. On the other hand it could something that i had before. I had a duplicate of an object on the same object that i duplicated. The one with the textures didn't show up on the viewport.


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