As part of Unit 5, you will participate in a weekly series of 2D animation workshops with Meg Bisineer - who comes to us from the Royal College of Art. This is a great opportunity to experience the fundamental principles of animation and Meg has asked you to equip yourselves with an 'animator's kit'.
Meg recommends you purchase the following:
Pre-punched paper and pegbars are necessary for the effective registration of the individual drawings or frames that comprise an animation.
And if you haven't got your hands on these yet, you'll need to...
You'll want to already be familiar with these books before Unit 5 begins and you commence your workshops with Meg. Do yourself a favour and get stuck into this stuff nice and early.
Please note - last year there was a delay in students getting their materials in time for the beginning of the unit. Please order your materials today!
Last year some of the students got together to buy the paper, as you don't need stacks straight away...also I complete a pretty successful animation using layout pad from the shop in Uni!