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Maya Dice Video problems

I can find the video tutorials but i can not get them to work because it keeps asking for a codec on media player?

is anybody else experiencing the same problem or if you managed to get the videos to work can someone guide me?



  1. Its a bit of a guess but are you playing them through vlc media player? Because I think that is what Alan used to show us...

    If not I believe you can download it off the web for free.

  2. Alan uses VLC so you can either download that for free and play it or you could download a codec pack such a K-Lite so everything runs on windows media player. I prefer to play everything on one player and I prefer WMP so I use a codec pack.

  3. Alternate Dice tutorial videos have been uploaded for anyone who had VLC issues.

  4. the Combined Community Codec Pack (CCCP... it's Russian I believe) is another good codec package :)

    The tutorial is awesome Alan, thank you!


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