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Question: Extrude a NURBS that actaully is not hollow

For my animation i'm using extruded NURBS, as they are easier to animate, though when I extrude it doesnt have a face at the end, in this case a surface, is that any tool to add( just like in polygons) or is any other better way to do it.. I just want something in which I can animate but also dont be see hollow.

I just want a cylinder shape :)

Thanks Ruben


  1. Hey Ruben, I know that you can add a cap to the nurbs cylinder upon creation, by clicking the little option box next to create nurb > cyclinder and ticking 'Caps' whether top, bottom or both. I'm not too sure how to add the caps to an existing nurbs cylinder though.

  2. I asked Alan, If he has a better solution, i'll post here to let you know

  3. i can only think of two ways :/

    if you want a rounded end to the tube, like the end of a finger, grab the control vertices at the end and in the MEL command line type ;scale 0 0 0 (with spaces between the zeros) then move the collapsed control vertices back into the right place, when you render this looks ok.

    if you want a flat end to it you can create a new CV curve, which has a right angle in it like this shape ¬ and then revolve it...

    but i would definitely ask Alan!

  4. ive found another way - this makes the end flat - on your cylinder select the isoparm at the end and go to Surfaces>Planar - this closes the hole.

  5. Thanks Tod your the Man !!! :), I have been checking all over internet in vain !

    Thanks :)


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