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The Pacific

Just wanted to make a quick post to suggest people watch this show. It's made by the same people that made 'Band of Brothers'. I recently was recommended it and decided to start watching some episodes and I'm really loving it. It details the story of the war with Japan in World War 2. Give it a watch.


  1. I love this show, me and Jordan tend to grab it soon as it comes online and then circle-jerk over it every monday.

    In-fact, my desktop background at the minute is some marines gunning down some unsuspecting Japs (In a politically-correct way of course)

  2. Yeah, it's really good. On Episode 6 now, just been watching them solidly. Shame it's only a short series. :[

  3. Smoke dat fool! haha nice background sam..

    and yes i wouldnt mind this in my collection *nudge*

  4. I'll sort you out with them on Friday.


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