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FAO CGAA First Years - Unit 6 Project Brief & Final 5 Week Timetable now available on myUCA

I know your lightbox bulbs aren't even cold and your pencil cramps continue, but your Unit 6 Project Brief 'Commission' is now available on myUCA. In between your inbetweening, download it, take a look, and we'll review it together before the Animation Crit tomorrow.

Unit 6 - the beginning of the end (of the beginning)...


  1. Cor Blimey Phil, give us a chance :)

  2. 'whoo-chee' (say it out loud) - the sound a whip makes when I'm cracking it! :-)

    Honestly though - good luck with the last knockings of the Animation project... Looking forward to a successful and entertaining day!

  3. Now all it needs is a better title and could perhaps pass it off as a film poster compleate with caption.....Though I noticed that our next time table has a lot of 'self directed study in it'. That will take some getting used to.

  4. 'Self-directed study'...

    You're all going to need it... :-)


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