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Rendering and the snow..

Im a little worried thinking about rendering and being able to get into uni - if the weather stays as it is and the uni is closed, will we get the days back we lose when uni is closed even if it is a day or two?

I also have a question about lighting. In my scene at the moment the shadows are becoming pixellated and blocky and no matter what settings ive altered nothing seems to be changing - any ideas how to sort that out anyone?

Im want to render using mental ray when we go back to uni (fingers crossed) but i can only set that up once we go back as my pc wont let me use mental ray :(

If anyone knows any answers that would be brilliant, thanks Heather


  1. Firstly, Phil will be speaking to MPW re. gaining time back. Pol and I have the same issue. It is going to take us around 4 days + nights with 6 computers to render. So we are quite worried also. But you shouldn't worry, Phil is on it.

    Lighting wise, check your anti aliasing is turned up a bit more, that could be whats causing the pixelation?

    Your PC should allow Mental Ray, go to plugins and tick enabled on MRtoMentalRay or something like that.

  2. Hey Heather, I don't know what type of shadows you're using. So things that can cause grainy shadows:

    - Low quality Final Gathering settings
    - Raytracing shadows with high Light Angle (> 2) and low Shadow Rays setting (< 8)
    - Maya depth map shadows don't work in mental ray. Instead, mental ray has its own depth map shadows, which are a little more advanced but they can also cause grainy shadows if set up wrong. Increasing the map resolution makes the shadows sharper. Lower resolutions can be "smoothed" to look less grainy by increasing the samples.
    - Like Jon said, Final Gather sometimes likes a little higher anti alias settings.

  3. thank you! :) mental ray is now working... just going to try and sort out the mental ray shadows now!


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