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Showing posts from October, 2016

FAO Everyone: Reminder: Visiting Lecturers Paul Larson & Laura Beaumont / Thursday @ 2pm / Lecture Theatre 1

Just a reminder that this Thursday at 2pm in Lecture Theatre 1 we're being joined by animation scriptwriters Paul Larson and Laura Beaumont, who are coming to talk to us about their careers and the mechanics of writing for animation.  Your attendance is required and please be in Lecture Theatre 1 by 1.55pm  If you turn up late in front of industry professionals - while they're talking, for example - you'll look rather silly!  Don't do it.  See you there!

Post With The Most 30/10/2016

October, month of new starts, stage-fright and rabbits-in-headlights is over and the Computer Animation Arts' Post With The Most is here once more in celebration of our students' enthusiasm, innovation and creativity. Our year one students have just completed their first undergraduate project. For most, it's been an intense period of adjustment leaving them breathless and giddy.  Learning curves have been steep and bumps in the road have been bumpy, but they've done it - their first submission is done and dusted and the beginning of the beginning is over.   The  Invisible Cities project challenges students to envision the cities described by Italo Calvino in his magic-real book of the same name.  Calvino's cities are enigmatic, fantastical and improbable and thus make for thought-provoking subjects for our year one digital painting and concept art project.  For many of our newbies, this is the first time they've used graphic tablets or push...

CAA Cinema: Halloween Shorts: Mama (2008)

CAA Cinema: Halloween Shorts: The Smiling Man

FAO CAA Year 3: Interim Critique (Green Light Review)

The Interim Critique (Green Light Review) The Interim Critique will take place on Thursday 10th November starting at  9.30am in the baseroom and at 2pm in the Exchange (reception). You are asked to give a 5 - 10 minute presentation of your work with a view to pitching / convincing the audience that you are ready for production to begin. In terms of what you need to include in your presentation this is going to vary per project depending upon the intended outcome. If you have any questions regarding content please see Phil or myself for advice.

FAO Everyone: Halloween Film Screening / Monday 31st October @ 3.30pm / Lecture Theatre 1

Just a reminder we're screening a double-bill of the original A Nightmare On Elm Street and Poltergeist in Lecture Theatre 1 at 3.30pm on Monday 31st October - for no other reason than it's Halloween, of course, and it will be fun seeing these classic 80s horrors on the big(ish) screen! We'll be starting promptly at 3.30pm, so be seated by 3.20pm and we'll kick off with Freddy Krueger...

Open Day / Saturday 29th October / CAA Suites Open For Business

This Saturday is Open Day, which means you're welcome to work in the CAA computer suites between 9am and 2pm.  Make the most of the additional access.