Can it really be two weeks already since the staff and students of Ba Hons CG Arts & Animation were strolling so leisurely through the pretty streets of Prague , drifting from museum to museum and from one baroque and/or art nouveau marvel to another, our bellies full of dark Czech beer and potato dumplings? Little did those of us in Prague know that, while we were exploring the city's cobbled streets and cultural 'must-sees', the select few CGAA students who remained at UCA were having a lively series of adventures of their own... So that was then, and now February's already done and dusted, it's time to celebrate what else our students have been up to this past month (when not sipping absinthe in Bohemia or forming human pyramids in the CG Arts base room!). We begin with a selection of current final year projects and as frequent flyers will already know, if you want to learn more about the whys and wherefores of any project ...
BA Hons Computer Animation Arts is a 3 year degree course at the University for the Creative Arts, Rochester, UK.