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The Old Curiosity Shop: Mail Rail

Yes this is even more left field than usual.

With the lockdown having a significant impact on museums, many have had to provide some form of online taster. Often the quirky ones are quite interesting in a "falling down the rabbit hole" way.

In this case quite literally.

Underneath London there is a network of tunnels that were used to transport mail around the capital thus avoiding the congested streets. What I found interesting is how they have integrated digital media into the tour, with the stations becoming infomatic cinemas, another thing that I noticed is how some of those infomatics have a Wes Anderson vibe to them, in particular the journey of the letters.

Follow the link below for a 10 minute video highlighting the tour:

Postal museum: Rail Mail

If you want some Wes Anderson reference then follow the links below:

Wes Anderson 1

Wes Anderson 2

And if you like tunnels and/or abandoned places check out the following (some great reference imagery in these):

Urban Explorer

Whatevers Left

28 Days Later

For all your post apocalyptic needs.
