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Showing posts from October, 2019

FAO CAA Yr 1: Invisible Cities 2019 / Submission Checklist & Final Crit Requirements 01/11/2019

What follows are instructions for your crit presentations and reminders of what you need to present and submit on Friday, 1st November. Any queries, please leave a comment and I'll clarify. A new CG animated adaptation of Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities is in pre-production. In response to the source material allocated to you at the briefing, you have been commissioned to produce 3 fully-resolved concept paintings of one of Calvino’s fantastical cities. You have been asked to visualise your chosen city in three different types of shot: 1) Exterior Establishing Shot 2) Exterior Low Angle Shot 3) Interior Establishing Shot Your concept paintings should be 16:9 and painted digitally. You are asked to maintain  a comprehensive blog archiving and annotating your creative development  for the  duration  of the project. You should use the blog to reflect critically upon your own creative practise, the wider cultural and thematic context of the...

FAO CAA Yr 1: Invisible Cities - The Final Push!

So first years you are on the final few days before your first crit presentation and submission!  We know you're very busy and feeling the pinch and we know you're nervous about Friday, but there are things you can do to feel less nervous and take more control! 1) Make sure you're looking at the information we've provided you and you're paying attention to it. The information is there to make your lives easier and your goals crystal-clear.   For your convenience, I'm including here the links to the original post re. your submission requirements, the advice and guidance re. What is an 'Art Of', and the examples of previous student submissions. Submission requirements @ What is an Art Of? @ Previous student submissions @  https://uc...

FAO CAA Year 1: Invisible Cities 2018 / What Is An 'Art Of'?

As part of your  Invisible Cities  submission requirements, you're being asked to produce an 'Art Of'. You'll be asked to submit an 'Art Of' document for  all  your forthcoming projects, so there's no time like the present in terms of getting the hang of them. Your  Art Of  is a  curated exposition  of your pre-production, production and final piece. curate: 1) to take charge of (a museum) or organize (an art exhibit): 2) to pull together, sift through, and select for presentation exposition: 1) a comprehensive description and explanation of an idea. In other words, your Art Of is the 'edited highlights' of all the work you've produced in the working-up and execution of your 3  Invisible Cities  paintings.   You need to create your Art Of with the uninitiated reader in mind ; it needs to explain the brief (succinctly), introduce Calvino (succinctly), introduce  Invisible Cities  (succ...

Student Art Pass - A year of art and opportunities for a fiver!

Student Art Pass – a year of art and opportunities for a fiver A Student Art Pass lets you dive into culture on a budget with free or reduced entry to hundreds of museums and galleries across the UK, and 50% off major exhibitions. Plus, you’ll gain access to paid arts opportunities and grow your network by joining the #WeAreArtful #StudentArtPass community. All for just £5 a year. Available for a limited time. Get your £5 pass today:   HERE

FAO CAA Yr 1: Invisible Cities 2019 / Online Greenlight Review 16/10/2019

Wednesday, 16th October is your Invisible Cities Online Greenlight Review (OGR)   Your OGR is to be presented as a single Scribd presentation on your blog, beginning with your name, date, and project title. If you are still yet to get to grips with Scribd go here for some easy-to-follow instructions. Save your documents as PDFs before uploading to Scribd, as this should mitigate against formating glitches. When pasting Scribd embed code into your blog, you must first select the HTML mode tab, then switch back to 'Compose' to view the embedded presentation.  Your OGR presentations should be uploaded to your blogs on Wednesday 16th October. Written feedback will follow as comments on your OGR post and will take between 1 and 3 days.  Invisible Cities 2019 OGR: What do you need to present?  1) Your 100 thumbnails exploring all cities (minimum).  2) Your chosen city, its key descriptions and associated thumbnails. (Please include the original...

FAO CAA Year 2:Collaboration OGR's

Additional OGR (Online Greenlight Review) Having spoken to you all, I have decided to break the OGR submission into two parts. Hopefully, this will help you to refine your concept in the first instance, and then focus your practical work. The second OGR submission will be on Monday 4th November (by 5pm). Collaboration OGR 1 Requirments: October 21st 2019 Overall: The main goal of the group OGR is to bring together all of the different 'strands' of your project into a unified presentation and demonstrate that your idea works. In addition, by presenting your work as a 'team' you are demonstrating how successfully you've been able to collaborate so far.   Concept & world building pitch: For the first OGR I would like each group to submit a document (PDF) which 'pitches' your concept. Your document should include... 1) The proposed concept: The idea (title), the 'comedy setup' and an explanation of the world of yo...

FAO 1st years: Academic writing - Some do’s & don’ts -­‐ An incomplete style guide to writing effective film reviews and written essays.

Following on from my earlier post regarding writing your film reviews (and ultimately your essays), here is the link again for a guide to developing an academic writing style - See  HERE!

FAO: 2nd And 3rd Years.... Incoming Blogs

As this new year in the Computer Animation arts wonder sphere gets underway you may have noticed a motley collection of new faces inhabiting the base and associated rooms. Fear not, for these are not interlopers with nefarious plans , but, a new intake to nurture and look after. Drop by their blogs and make them welcome: https:// If any of you would like to act as mentors for the first years then let me know in th...

FAO 1st Years - Film reviews - some hints and tips !

I just thought I would drop by with a few hints and tips for you, as you prepare to write your first film review... Some of you might be confused by what a CAA film review actually is; it's possibly easier to say what it ISN'T!  It is NOT you writing a 2000 word essay, recounting the plot of the film.  What we are looking for, is evidence that you have thought about how the film maker has used techniques to convey a message, or the relationship between the narrative and the environment; in 'Caligari', the use of the warped sets to depict the insanity of the protagonist, for example.  As you get deeper into the film programme, you might start to consider how the films use sound to build tension, or how editing techniques can enhance the viewing experience. You are asked to support your own ideas with quotes from at least 3  different published sources.  This means you will need to do some background reading; try and find sources that allow you to deve...