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FAO CAA: Year's 2 & 3 - Your timetables are now available online *UPDATED*

Years 2 & 3 Timetables are now available + Update

Apologies everyone, there has been update to your timetables. Two were uploaded at the same time - Better two than none, right? Obviously, we're working hard to get everything set up for you. The timetables are basically the same with minor changes (detailed below). I have added new links to the combined timetables. Can you share this information with anyone you may think will not see this update.

Year 2: You can find your timetable on MyUCA under 'Collaboration/Teaching Materials'. Your first project briefing is for Perspectives and with Joe Taylor  on Wednesday 2nd October at 2pm in Lecture Theatre 1. The Collaboration, Character Design, and Toolkit 2 briefings will take place on Thursday 3rd Oct starting at 10am in the CAA Baseroom. - The year 2 has date changes for submission.

Collaboration group project: I am sure you are all wondering which groups you are going to be in. We are currenlty in the process of putting those groups together and I will announce them (here) by the end of this week. Exciting!

Year 3: You can find your timetable on MyUCA under 'Minor Project/Teaching Materials'. Your first briefing will be for your Thesis briefing on Tuesday 1st October at 10am in the CAA baseroom with Joe Taylor. The Minor Project and will take place on Friday 4th October at 10am (in the CAA baseroom) with me.

Any problems or questions please contact me. Thanks, Alan.
