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FAO CAA Year 2: And the Collaboration groups are...

Hello Year 2.

The announcement I know you've all been waiting for is here...drum roll please...the Collaboration teams (groups) are...

Team 1 – Vic, Ren, Kate
Team 2 – Divine, Terry, Chelsea
Team 3 – Alexandra, Coyle, Katerin
Team 4 – Ted, Louis, Tom
Team 5
Vincent, Odette
Team 6
Karris, Shannon, Olivia

There you go, the long wait is over and it's 'Avengers' time. What next?

1) Make contact: Make contact with your team and exchange details such as email addresses, blog addresses, and phone numbers (just those for now - more info on communication later at the briefing). Make sure that your email addresses and numbers are reliable. Finally, please respect each other's privacy where necessary. We have Kate and Chelsea joining us (welcome!). Their blog addresses are listed below.

Chelsea -
Kate -

2) Form a studio and start a studio blog: For this project your team will be asked to form an animation studio and create a studio (team) blog. You can do that now using Blogger and considering the following...

- Give your studio a name: For example, like 'Bad Robot' (J. J. Abrams studio / Star Wars / Star Trek), Aardman Animation, or Naughty Dog. Think carefully about this and do your research. Avoid childish names, things that are overly violent, or unrelated. E.g. 'Flaming Death Skulls' - That's fine for a band but not a studio. The theme of the project is comedy meets animation so try to keep it fun, light, and professional in tone.

- Branding: Once you have your studio name you will need to start branding your studio and giving it a graphical identity. For example, a logo, the design / layout of your blog, and thematic direction. The key words here are graphics and branding. Again, before leaping in do your research. Branding is something often philosophical /emotional, such as a statement of quality, intent, or perceived personality (think Coke or Pepsi). Graphic design means considering everything from font to layout to colour to reflect branding. Remember, again be careful around tone and try to think professional / outward focusing as you design - Tip: design for the World to see not just your tutors / University. Here are two examples from the current third year...

- Invite us: Once you've set up your blog send us you new blog address. Our emails are: and

- Basecamp: To help you communicate and organise your work this term we're going to be using This will be explained in more depth during the briefing but for now please email me ( your email addresses so I can invite you to the site. Please do this as a group - One email with all of your emails inside. I will email you back - one by one - with an invite to Basecamp.

3) Skills: Take time to list what skills you think you can bring to the team. Be honest with yourself, what were your highs and lows in year one? Are you a leader? Are you a project manager? Are you a designer, modeller, or animator? What would you like to improve? Make a list and bring it to the briefing in week one.

If anyone has any questions please post them in the comments or email me at -

Good luck everyone and see you at the briefing! - Alan
