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FAO CAA Yr 3: 52 Days Remaining Until Final Hand-in!

As of Monday 18th March, you have 52 days remaining until the final submission of your graduate projects - or 7.4 weeks!  You'll need to look again at your respective schedules and re-calculate your goals accordingly. You're all working very hard and we're excited by the quality of your assets and the promise of your films, but you all need to work 'smart' too: animation is your priority because getting your stories told is your priority: that's 'the 60 credit' X factor - that's the prize - don't lose sight of it.  You may need to make compromises.  You may need to simplify. You may need to make cuts - but now is the time to look coolly and calmly at everything you want to achieve - and identify strategies by which to achieve it!  

52 days before hand-in - make all of them count!
