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FAO CAA Yr 1: Story & Commission / Project 2 / From Script To Screen 2019 / Examples Of Previous Student Work

As you start thinking about your story ideas and planning your project timetables, take a look at these examples of previous student work in response to the From Script to Screen project brief - all of which began with those same 3 random slips of paper!

Mark Bridgland - Laoshu

Laoshu - Art Of

Charlie Serafini - A Tern For The Better

A Tern For The Better - Art Of


Lucy Yelding - Gie (Animatic)

Gie 'Art Of'


 Samantha NiemczykThe Chefs Of Tonga Island (animatic)

The Chefs Of Tonga Island 'Art Of'

Jono Pearmain - A Hero's Hat (Maya Pre-viz)

Douy Singsamran - Freak Show

Meg Robson - Arthur

This brief is much more than an exercise in satisfying the year one CAA curriculum. This is your first experience of getting an original story idea from 'script to screen' - and what you accomplish in the next few weeks might be just the beginning of a much more ambitious creative experience...

An example of a final year film first conceived in response to the year one FSTS brief is Franklin, by 2015 graduate Steve Payne.   I'm including the original year one outcomes followed by Steve's year three iteration.  These likewise attest to the huge creative and technical leaps you'll be making as students on Computer Animation Arts and to the powerful satisfaction that comes with creating your own content.

Frankenstylist - 2012

Frankenstylist - Art Of

Franklin 2015

Franklin - Making Of

This project is hugely important to your creative and professional development as CG artists. This is about the craft and graft of the storyteller and it's not for the faint-hearted. You will need to fight for your stories. You will need to fight to make them work and to connect satisfyingly with audiences. Don't underestimate the challenge - meet it head on with professionalism and with gusto and you might just create a story idea that's good enough to go a whole lot further. 

Good writing is a collaborative process and your discussions with classmates and staff will be of especial importance for this project.  Use each other proactively; test your story ideas, be honest; if it doesn't work as a script, it won't work on screen.  If you don't think your classmates' stories are successful or satisfying - if it leaves you cold, befuddled and unmoved, you have a responsibility to say so!  You simply don't have time to hold on to mediocre ideas or make a secret of any difficulties you're experiencing. In most instances, your first ideas will probably be crap, so have more than one, and don't be precious.  Onwards!
