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FAO Year 3: Film Composer Jeffrey Wang

This is a heads-up for our third years... last year, composer Jeffrey Wang, collaborated with Tom Smith (Escape Zone 3000), Becky Stapley (The Jellyfish & The Hermit Crab) and Ian Garling (The Garbage-O-Saur).  Jeffrey got in touch recently and asked me to give our third years the following message:

"Hi Phil, I'll be taking on student projects over the current academic year and it would be great if you could send info to anyone relevant. Details on student rates are at the following link: … The lowest range (£0-16) should be enough for most students, with upper ranges existing for those who want something more. I'll be giving first priority to UCA Rochester students and will happily write for any 3rd year students."

Collaborating with composers will be a big part of your creative role as you take your stories into production - and working closely (and early) with a composer is key in terms of ensuring the collaboration is a success.  If you're interested in working with Jeffrey, can I suggest you make your interest known to him immediately, as he gets booked up pretty fast!  If you've got an animatic (even if you know it will change), then you've got what Jeffrey needs to begin a creative conversation about your work and it's relationship to sound and music.  Get in touch!
