Tuesday's Sculpting Class: The sculpting classes will begin on Tuesday 13th March. The groups (1 and 2) are detailed on your timetable.
In terms of what you will need to bring:
In terms of what you will need to bring:
1) Printed out character images (above/ as we discussed in class). Including a front, side, and perspective views (where possible) scaled to approximately 7-8cm. Information on the choices are detailed in the full presentation available here. If you want feedback on your character choice upload your images to your blog with an @Alan.
2) Clay (Supersculpey) & Milliput: Both of these are available to buy from the University stores (in the theatre department). You will only need half a pack of Milliput so again you will may wish to share.
3) Tin Foil: You won't use a whole roll so you may wish to share this with another person.
4) Tools: A pair of pliers (you may wish to share these), an old drawing compass, and a sculpting tool. All of these items are detailed in the presentation document (link above).
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