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FAO CAA Year 2: Premise Interim Critique / Timetable change

Please note due to teaching commitments the interim critique for Premise will be split over two days in week 7. These are Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon (details below). You are asked to attend both sessions regardless of whether you are presenting or not. It is important at this stage that you see each others progress and ideas. As a result of the change there will be no Toolkit 2 class on Thursday. For those of you who now have an extra day please use that time wisely and for those of you who don't we'll take that into consideration in our feedback.

Group 1: Presenting Tuesday 20th Feb @ 9.30am - 1pm*

Aureo, Jess, Krissy, Michael, Ruth, Michaela, Rhia, Graeme, Greta, Anabel, Alex, Anastajia, Joe.

All students are asked to attend.

Group 2: Presenting Thursday 22nd Feb @ 2pm - 5.30pm*

Jen, Laura, Almu, Noah, Polly, Paris, Ellie, Jack, Douy, Sandra, Karolina, Racheal, Alexis.

All students are asked to attend.

A further reminder: 

Title credits (Infographic) submission: 25th Feb / Posted on your blogs.


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