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CAA Careers: Coming Soon!

Coming soon... 

Phil has given me a 'new hat' to wear; I am calling it my 'Industry Outreach' hat!  

I am in the process of contacting animation and film companies the length and breadth of the country, and am putting together some useful advice from those in the know.  So coming soon...

  • Showreel advice
  • 'A day in the life of...'
  • Technical advice
  •  What it is really like to work as a freelancer

      ...and more!

Hopefully these contacts will also open some doors for us, in the way of work experience placements! 

To make this a really useful resource, it would be good to be able to put some of your questions to the various companies if there is anything you have always wanted to know about working in the 'real world', drop me a line as a comment on here (or send me an email on and I'll try and find answers for you! 

Watch this space!
