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FAO CAA Year 2: Updated Timetable

Year 2: Updated Timetable

Apologies for another update but we have some announcements and last minute changes we would like to make. Please note the following changes...

Acting & Performance Classes: I'm happy to announce that Dan will be coming in to help you with your performance ideas in Weeks 3 and 5.

Life Drawing Classes: You can never have enough life drawing practice. Vicky will be helping you improve further in life drawing classes on Wednesday mornings. These classes are now part of Toolkit 2. 

Perspectives (Weeks 8 & 9): Phil will be in France during week 9 so there will be a double post-modernism lecture (perspectives) in week 8.

Please make sure to download an refer to this version of the timetable. Please pass this information on (Facebook etc) to anyone you may feel will not see this post.
