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Showing posts from September, 2017

Post With The Most 29/09/2017

It's still very early days on Computer Animation Arts .  Briefs have been briefed and brain cells are firing again after the hazier, lazier days of the long hot Summer.  Our latest recruits are beginning to lose their expressions of bewilderment as new routines start to feel less overwhelming. Returning students are revving up.  While the next edition of the Post With The Most will be the usual cornucopia of ideas-in-the-offing, this month's PWTM has a retrospective feel as we catch up with some of our alumni and the Course Leader answers that question beloved of school teachers everywhere, "What did you do over the Summer holidays?". Before all of that - an exciting announcement: after several years of preparation, reflection and improvement, Computer Animation Arts has been accredited by Creative Skillset , and if you don't know what that means or why this news is very good news indeed, let's hear from Skillset themselves: "Creative Skil...

FAO Year 2 Collaboration: Preparation for Dan's Class on Monday and OGR Details

Collaboration For Dan’s class on Monday Dan is going to be new to your project and ideas so put together a sheet(s) that help explain it/them fully. Make sure it includes your starting title (e.g. world’s worst), a complete list of your ideas, performance ideas (see below), and any other information you think Dan may need to know about your project. Think, if you knew nothing about your project, what would you need to know about it to get on board quickly? Three (or more) Performance ideas (visually defined so that Dan can work on performance with you.)  Dan will be helping you with physical performance so please make sure you have considered your ideas 'visually' beyond an initial idea. A good way to start is to try to define your skit using a ‘three panel comic’ technique (above). You can write notes above, below, or on you panels to help you describe the perceived actions in your skit. If you have, multiple ideas for a skit draw and write these out too. T...

FAO Everyone: Your New Campus Registry Officer is Hazel Searles

Hazel Searles is CAA's new campus registry officer.  You need to contact Hazel if you're going to be absent or late - so not Alan or myself - as Hazel will make a formal record of your correspondence and then notify the course team. Hazel's email is Hazel's telephone number is 01634 888745 Please make sure your classmates have seen this information.  Many thanks.

FAO CAA Yr 1: Invisible Cities #9 (The Chapel)

FAO CAA Yr 1: Invisible Cities #8 (Distorted Times)

FAO CAA Yr 1: Invisible Cities #7 (Mother)

FAO CAA Yr 1: Invisible Cities #6 (Megalomania)

FAO Everyone: Spectra Programme Autumn Term 2017 / Careers & Employability Workshops

FAO CAA Yr 1: Invisible Cities #5 (The Clockmakers)

FAO CAA Yr 1: Invisible Cities #4 (Tesseract)

FAO 1st years...Film review tips

I just thought I would drop by with a few hints and tips for you, as you prepare to write your first film review... Some of you might be confused by what a CAA film review actually is; it's possibly easier to say what it ISN'T!  It is NOT you writing a 2000 word essay, recounting the plot of the film.  What we are looking for, is evidence that you have thought about how the film maker has used techniques to convey a message, or the relationship between the narrative and the environment; in 'Caligari', the use of the warped sets to depict the insanity of the protagonist, for example.  As you get deeper into the film programme, you might start to consider how the films use sound to build tension, or how editing techniques can enhance the viewing experience. You are asked to support your own ideas with quotes from at least 3  different published sources.  This means you will need to do some background reading; try and find sources that allow you to develop...

CAA: The Supplement: Janet Echelman

FAO CAA Yr 1: Invisible Cities #3 (NightVision)

"They're Here!" All New First Year Blogs!

For your collective convenience - all new first year blogs all in once place! Missed any? Add them to your Reading List and go and be a force for good! Divine Uwadiale @ Francis Carolan @ Thomas Sherwood @ Frankie Sutton @ Ollie Thacker @ Alfie Gunter @ George Latham @ Luis Pereira @ Chloe Gardiner @ Ciaran Caul @ Emily Frisswell @ Adrianna Lopian @ Eleanor Luckett @ Megan Robson @ Tia Whitehead @ Juanjpo Estan...

FAO CAA Yr 1: Invisible Cities #2 (Omicron)

FAO CAA Yr 1: Invisible Cities 2017 / Online Greenlight Review 04/10/2017

Wednesday, 4th October is your Invisible Cities  Online Greenlight Review (OGR) Your OGR is to be presented as a single Scribd presentation on your blog, beginning with your name, date, and project title. If you are still yet to get to grips with Scribd go here for some easy-to-follow instructions.  Save your documents as PDFs before uploading to Scribd , as this should mitigate against formating glitches. When pasting Scribd embed code into your blog, you must first select the HTML mode tab, then switch back to 'Compose' to view the embedded presentation. Your OGR presentations should be uploaded to your blogs on Wednesday 4th October. Written feedback will follow as comments on your OGR post and will take between 1 and 3 days. Invisible Cities  2017 OGR: What do you need to present? 1) Your 100 thumbnails exploring all cities  (minimum). 2) Your chosen city, its key descriptions and associated thumbnails. (Please include t...

FAO All years!

Just to let you all know that I will be loitering around the baseroom/red room/blue room tomorrow morning, if any of you want to have a chat about anything...briefing questions, dissertations, potential film reviews, or anything else that is worrying you - Come and find me! See you tomorrow:)

FAO CAA Yr 1: Invisible Cities #1 (Walking City)

FAO CAA Year 2: Updated Timetable

Year 2: Updated Timetable Apologies for another update but we have some announcements and last minute changes we would like to make. Please note the following changes... Acting & Performance Classes:   I'm happy to announce that Dan will be coming in to help you with your performance ideas in Weeks 3 and 5. Life Drawing Classes:  You can never have enough life drawing practice. Vicky will be helping you improve further in life drawing classes on Wednesday mornings. These classes are now part of Toolkit 2.  Perspectives (Weeks 8 & 9):   Phil will be in France during week 9 so there will be a double post-modernism lecture (perspectives) in week 8. Please make sure to download an refer to this version of the timetable. Please pass this information on (Facebook etc) to anyone you may feel will not see this post.

FAO CAA Year 1: Invisible Cities 2017 / What Is An 'Art Of'?

As part of your Invisible Cities submission requirements, you're being asked to produce an 'Art Of'. You'll be asked to submit an 'Art Of' document for all your forthcoming projects, so there's no time like the present in terms of getting the hang of them. Your Art Of is a curated exposition of your pre-production, production and final piece. curate: 1) to take charge of (a museum) or organize (an art exhibit): 2) to pull together, sift through, and select for presentation exposition: 1) a comprehensive description and explanation of an idea. In other words, your Art Of is the 'edited highlights' of all the work you've produced in the working-up and execution of your 3 Invisible Cities paintings.   You need to create your Art Of with the uninitiated reader in mind; it needs to explain the brief (succinctly), introduce Calvino (succinctly), introduce Invisible Cities (succinctly), and introduce us to your city ...