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FAO CAA Year 3: You Need To Start Your Thesis Write-Ups Now!

Okay, I get it - you're still in the holiday mood, and the last thing you want is a prompt in regards to writing up your dissertation structures into a draft... but September will be upon us in no time, and the deadline for the submission of your drafts is Friday October 27th.

We have dissertation tutorials together - and I don't want these to consist of me asking you if you've made and progress, and you saying 'No'.  You've all got your chapter structures, you've had loads of feedback from Kath, Mavernie and myself, and really there's not a huge amount left to say about your intentions for dissertations.  We need to use our time getting into the nitty-gritty of what you've actually written and helping finesse your arguments further.  If you needed to be reading more in order to deliver the potential of your respective structures, I'm relying on the fact that you've been doing just that, as this is not the bit of this process with which I can help you.

So - yes, this is a poke.  Write-up your structures and start doing so now.  Remember, we're trying to balance your third year and create the conditions under which you can a) write an excellent dissertation with confidence and b) develop a successful final animation, without those two jobs impacting on each other unhappily.

Don't ignore this.  As if writing, you've got 12 weeks until the draft dissertation deadline - that's a very long time - and time enough certainly to produce your 8000 words.  Imagine that - a complete dissertation draft ready for hand-in!  This is the gift of time you need to give to yourself - and to your minor projects.

Oh yes, from this point forward, the Dissertation unit is called 'Thesis' - don't get confused when you hear me referring to it this way.  We're still talking about your 8000 words. Only the unit title has changed.

Please - commit to your write-ups now.  You'll be glad of it later, I promise.
