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FAO CAA Yr 1 & 2: The 2017 Internal Student Survey Has Launched!

Today is launch day for the Internal Student Survey 2017.  The short version is the ISS is the opportunity for year 1 and 2 students to feedback to the University about their experience at UCA so far.  Your feedback is valued very highly by the University.

You can access the survey here.  Make sure you select the right survey - not the NSS, but the survey dedicated to Years 1 & 2.  You'll need your student number to access the survey. This is found on your ID card.  

Okay - so what does the survey entail? 30 core questions relating to the following aspects of the student learning experience:
  • Teaching on my Course
  • Assessment and Feedback (i.e. blogs/tutorials/crits/proformas)
  • Academic Support 
  • Organisation and Management 
  • Learning Resources 
  • Personal Development (i.e. core skills/greater confidence presenting etc).
  • Overall Satisfaction
  • Students' Union

The survey doesn't take long, but it is important you consider your responses carefully. It may feel like just another box-ticking exercise - but it isn't. The ISS survey is crucial to our understanding of what you think about us, and UCA more broadly. You're telling us about the things we're doing well and where stuff needs improving. You're highlighting the weaknesses and safe-guarding the good bits. You can help your course team make things better. Your feedback is used to improve the experience for future students, so be honest, but be constructive. Your views on what we do become part of formal monitoring processes within the University, which promotes discussion and debate. In short - data derived from the ISS - from you - is taken very seriously!  Rest assured, the findings of the survey are anonymous!

If, when you've completed the survey, could you leave a 'Done it' comment on this post that would be helpful, as it means I can stop badgering you!  Much appreciated.

If you have any queries regarding the ISS - for example, should you experience difficulty logging in or accessing the survey, please email

Many thanks!


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