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Siggraph 2014 Diaries - Vancouver : Saturday 9th August


Saturday 9th August was another free day for Ernesta, with Kym and I scheduled for some more pre-conference shifts. 

Figure 01. Saturday morning shot of the view

Figure 02. Ornate tram

There was a big mess up with the shifts on this day as the places we were supposed to be working decided they didn't need volunteers for the first couple of hours, so the people on Kym's shift were moved to the place where my shift was supposed to be which left all of my people without anywhere to work and so there was quite a bit of sitting around and Team Leaders unsure of where to put us. After an hour though somebody grabbed me to help hand out work passes to the exhibitors that were starting to arrive to the conference. This was a nice, easy and relaxed task which allowed me to read my book between checking people off the list. 

Figure 03. Nat's new morning shift

A couple of exhibitors kept coming out into the foyer to test the controls of their quad-copter. The machine started flying with the blow of a whistle and the guys each had a glove which was able to control the gentle direction of where the copter would fly just by swishing it below or around any side of the machine. It was quite entertaining to watch.

Figure 04. Exhibitors tuning their aircraft

Figure 05. lunch, basic chicken Thai rice

Lunch Time! We were only allowed half an hour for lunch but there's a food hall very close to the convention centre so it was good to have a nice selection of whatever you fancy to eat. I had some Thai food and Ernesta had some Sushi.

Figure 06. Ernesta with a Sushi lunch

Figure 07. Caution…. HOT

Figure 08. Other Student Volunteers drawing on a blank castle in the SV Office
We all just officially signed in for our volunteering experience and got the big brown envelope with the details we need.

Back to shift for me straight after though. This time the shift positions had slightly corrected themselves so I went back to the studio set-up where we were going around all of the computers and making sure all of the software licences were working on the computers we had installed. There was about 25-30 software programs to go through on each computer with a guy from Intel helping out if they still didn't work even with their licence codes. 

Figure 09. Food Art (Studio Project)

Figure 10. Description of Figure 09.

Whilst we were on shift the Student Volunteer orientation was taking place a few floors above which basically answered any questions the volunteers might have about how to conduct themselves and where to guide people during the conference. Last year it was really fun with GIANT inflatable beach balls and everyone volleying them around the crowd, but I don't think anything like that happened this year. 

After all of the shifts were finished for the day there was the annual SV group photo in front of that year's location scenery. This is the Official Photograph

Figure 11. The Student Volunteers (Orange), Team Leaders (Green) and SV Sub-Committee! 
SIGGRAPH Vancouver 2014!
The CAA's are on the right hand side if you can spot us

Figure 12. After the group photo, there was a free slice of pizza and a drink

Figure 13. Ernesta & Nat after the group photo

Figure 14. Afternoon view towards Stanley Park

Figure 15. Winter Olympic Torch

Figure 16. Winter Olympic Torch

Figure 17. Building with 3D text on each level

After all of the group excitement we headed back to the apartment to change up and feel refreshed for a dinner meet up. We went to a small thin restaurant/bar and this is one page from the menu.

Figure 18. Because Fish & Chips is a type of sandwich or wrap….

Figure 19. Ernesta fell asleep at dinner again

Dinner took quite some time to arrive, giving Ernesta time to fall asleep waiting for it.

Figure 20. Nat's Dinner

Figure 21. Ernesta's Dinner

The plan was to meet up with some other SVs after dinner but we needed wifi so we went back to the apartment to use the internet to arrange this meet-up. The elevator had turned into a padded cell by then.

Figure 22. Padded Cell of an elevator in the apartment block….
(Left - Right : Phil, Ateen, Kym, Nat)

Figure 23. Troubleshooting with international power problems

While Phil was arranging a time and place to meet up with the others (using the wifi) I was trying to solve some international power socket issues.

We eventually arranged to meet some other SVs at a common meeting spot, London Drugs.

Figure 24. Waiting…. waiting…. and more waiting

By the time the others got there they decided they were just going to go to bed so we waited around for a couple of hours for no reason, and so we also called it a night as by this time it was around midnight.

At least we were able to grab a couple of hours extra sleep compared to the previous evenings.
