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Ray Harryhausen 1920 - 2013

Sad news: Ray Harryhausen died on Tuesday 7th May 2013.  I'm pretty sure without the legacy of Harryhausen's beloved stop-motion monsters, a course such as ours would not exist.  Read his obituary here and enjoy his most celebrated stop-motion special effects sequence below.


  1. Awww I heard about this earlier and was ignoring it, hoping it wasn't true. He's the reason I wanted to get into animation :'(

  2. Same here Molly, it was an honour to meet him a few years ago that's for sure!

  3. Me too Molly. I met Ray Harryhausen a few years ago and he was charming and an inspiration. All the things you'd want your hero to be.

  4. As with Molly Harryhausen was an inspiration for to take a path in animation at an early age when I was introduced to classics such as Jason and the Argonaughts and Clash of the Titans that have watched many times since

    A sad loss but a legacy that will last a life time in the archives of animation history!


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