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Rhythm and Hues - Life of Pi

Whilst Life of Pi wins the best VFX Oscar, the studio that created it becomes bankcrupt. Without said studio, the film of course would not have been created. Making billions in sales, and winning awards. How can the people behind the success of it be so out of pocket? More disgustingly so, whilst accepting the award, the guys started talking about the financial difficulties that the studio are having by saying that the film interestingly questions reality and non-reality whilst ironically the film is mostly CG, and thus.. not real. Whilst bringing this subject up, the powers that be at the Oscars cut them off. This is disgusting, even more so that they are quickly removing any Youtube videos that upload the footage.

How long can this industry continue to treat its employees as disposable? The people that worked so hard to create the film, out of pocket. Taken advantage of with regard to not only money, but serious overtime. Whilst the money people continue to profit without really adding anything of worth other than their wallets.  (I guess other countries and lower minimum wages really doesn't help with this, either)

On another note, the producer (I believe) of Paperman was ejected from the Oscar's for throwing a few paper planes from the mezzanine after they picked up the best short film award.

Something has to change in the creative industries to put the power into the creatives, the ones with the know how to put these big blockbusters together; and take the power from the suits with the wallets whom know nothing. This is coincidentally why crowd funding and indie development is so popular right now. (I also think the creatives should take the suits from them too. Suits are cool, they just ruin the image for the rest of us)

Bit of a rant post. But I wanted to get other peoples perspective on this. I need to go and read more on this, just spotted it on a news post.


  1. "Something has to change in the creative industries to put the power into the creatives, the ones with the know how to put these big blockbusters together; and take the power from the suits with the wallets whom know nothing."

    This is happened in the 70's in Hollywood and was great, for a little while anyway... In the long run it proved absolutely disastrous - Apocalypse Now, Heaven's Gate, One from the Heart and Sorcerer to name the most notable culprits.

    Creatives are great, but ultimately self-destructive by nature. The majority don't know how to control budgets and make wise and effective decisions which keep their productions functioning in the long term. There's a balance to be had for sure, but the film industry shot itself in the foot a long time ago.


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